Helen Marshall is the Managing Editor for ChiZine Publications, and the co-organizer with Sandra Kasturi of the Toronto SpecFic Colloquium and the Chiaroscuro Reading Series. Her poetry has been published in ChiZine, NFG and Tesseracts Fifteen: A Case of Quite Curious Tales. "Mist and Shadows," published originally in Star*Line, appeared in The 2006 Rhysling Anthology: The Best Science Fiction, Fantasy and Horror Poetry of 2005." "The Gypsy" and "Crossroads and Gateways" both received honourable mentions in the 2009 Rannu Fund Contest, and "Waiting for the Harrowing" has been nominated for a 2011 Aurora Award. Her collection of short stories, Hair Side, Flesh Side is forthcoming from ChiZine Publications in 2013.